Saturday, June 30, 2007

Vent: Adios, Walgreens

Walgreens, here's why you've lost my business:
  • You act like you're doing me a favor to fill my prescriptions.
  • When there's some issue with insurance (almost always due to a miscommunication on YOUR end), you don't call. You wait until I schlep one or more children to your store before you inform me that "they said they wouldn't let you fill it again for two more days." You have my phone number. I called you FIVE HOURS ago to refill this, and you never called me to tell me that there was a problem.
  • When a frazzled-looking mom with raccoon-rings from old mascara comes in carrying a red-faced overtired baby and an incredibly hyper 4 year old and hands you an Rx for EAR-NUMBING DROPS, you do not consider this urgent. Ditto for anti-nausea medication. To the mom, who has been up with whichever issue all night long, this is an *emergency* prescription. And yes, 45 minutes is unreasonably long to take the box off the shelf, bungle the call to insurance, and wait to ask me a question, only to THEN actually stick the label on the box and then ring it up.
  • While I'm having to kill the 45 minutes in your store, there is nothing to do short of take 7 million dollar-store-quality toys or candy of my daughter's reach or to browse the incredibly limited and overpriced grocery selection.
  • When I get a liquid mediciation for my little ones, once I get past the top 1/3 of the bottle, how on earth am I supposed to get it into the syringe without pouring it all over myself while bouncing a crying sick baby?

And to Target, here's a list of all the things you do *right*:
  • You act grateful for my business. You each give me your personal business card every time and make a point about making sure that I know I can call you with questions.
  • You apologize if I have to wait.
  • You flavor for free.
  • You tell me if it's a high-dosage antibiotic and therefore to watch out for explosive diapers.
  • You call me at home the next day to see how she's doing.
  • You have the prescription ready when you say it will be, already processed correctly through insurance, and packaged with an infant syringe and your oh-so-cool dispensing tops.
  • When a frazzled-looking mom with raccoon-rings from old mascara comes in carrying a red-faced overtired baby and an incredibly hyper 4 year old and hands you an Rx for EAR-NUMBING DROPS, you consider this urgent and ask if 20 minutes is fast enough, or if I need it faster. As a matter of fact, 20 minutes is fine because that gives me time to run over and pick up some soy milk and a few other things that I need that you so conveniently have in your store.
  • When I get a liquid mediciation for my little ones, you have that awesome syringe-fitting top with the compatible syringes that I can practically use one-handed. And they're printed in black ink (thank you!) as opposed to the dye-free Tylenol droppers, which have white ink against a white medicine. Heck, you'll even give me more of the tops and syringes for Benadryl, etc.
Walgreens, tonight was the last straw. So long!

Target, if you'll just get White Cloud diapers and a drive-through, I'll never have to shop for anything anywhere else!